My guest on this episode, Kate Dyson, is the founder of the biggest online community for women – The Motherload. Started with just a few friends, when Kate received an unhelpful response on an online forum for mums, it has grown to be the place that 84,000 women head to for non-judgemental chat about motherhood.
As a mum of three, Kate has a lot to say about communities for mums and tells me about the huge support and kindness she sees on The Motherload. We talk about the importance of ‘finding your tribe’ online, when you have a baby, because we don’t always have people on our street or down the road, to rely on for help.
Kate and I also discuss mum mantras – are they a welcome source of support or are they a device to shut down conversation and dismiss valid concerns?
You can find The Motherload on Facebook and follow Kate on Instagram.
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Chat to me on Instagram: @iamalisonperry or on Twitter: @iamalisonperry
Recorded at: Acast Studios
Music: Epidemic Sound
Artwork: Eleanor Bowmer