One of my favourite things these days is buying baby clothes. It’s the perfect guilt-free way of shopping. When I buy myself a new dress (usually from Dorothy Perkins – see earlier post), there’s always a part of me that knows I don’t really need it. But babies need A WHOLE NEW WARDROBE every three months!
And sad as it sounds, I get the same kick out of buying a cute outfit in size 9-12months as I do in size 14. Even better is buying a bargain cute outfit. And the best place to find these bargain outfits? Supermarkets.
I know, it’s not cool to admit you buy baby clothes in supermarkets, but before you judge, go and take a look at what they sell.

Vintage floral playsuit set, £9
This floral playsuit and hat was only £9 from Tesco and looks like something that Baby Gap would sell for £20. The quality is pretty good too – certainly to the standard you’d expect for clothing that will be worn for three months. Supermarkets are the only place I’ll buy baby vests, too. Why pay £12 for a pack of seven plain cotton vests, when you can get a pack of seven for £6 from Asda?
But my love for supermarket-bought baby clothes sits, rather awkwardly, alongside a small obsession for kitsch (and usually expensive) baby clothes. I regularly send emails to other mum-friends with a link to ‘another cute baby clothes website’ that I’ve discovered.
Among my favourites are Olive & Moss, Green Baby, Love It Love It Love It and Not On The High Street.
But then, that’s OK, right? Buying cheap supermarket clothes means I SAVE money that I can SPEND on cute clothes like the Duns Sweden Ladybird romper from Love It Love It Love It, right?