This Valentine’s Day, my husband and I are jetting to Paris for the day, where he’s planning to wine me and dine me in a top restaurant before a quick spree at Chanel.
Ha! Not really. What we’ll actually be doing is exchanging cards with an ‘Oh, Valentine’s Day again eh?’ eye roll. We’ve been married for six years and together for 13, so we’re a bit over Valentine’s. Is that bad? Oh God, it is, isn’t it?
“You shouldn’t just show someone you love them on one day a year” is what we say to people who think it’s terrible that we don’t celebrate it. But honestly, we just can’t be bothered with it all.
Luckily, as with all of these annual events, we get to enjoy it in a new way – through our daughter. It’s a great excuse to make love heart pictures with paint and tissue paper and old greetings cards. Or make pink love heart cupcakes. I’m a big fan of cutesy love heart clothing too. Mothercare (I make no secret of my love for their clothes) have some lovely pieces in right now… the toddler is particularly fond of her pink PJs (modelled below with wet hair after bathtime) and I like the pink jersey dress, which as they say in the fashion world, we teamed with grey leggings and Peppa Pig wellies. Just like Anna Wintour would. Probably.
Mothercare kindly sent me some Valentines themed products for the purpose of this post.
PSST! If you enjoy my blog, you might want to nominate me for a MAD Blog Award. ‘What the jiggins is a MAD Blog Award?’ you might ask. Now in its fourth year, the MAD Blog Awards are one of the UK’s biggest awards for mum and dad bloggers, celebrating the talent and dedication of parent bloggers. Nominations are being accepted until February 18th and you can nominate me over here on the MADs website. If I win I’ll buy you a wine.
Voted for a (relatively) new Dad, I really enjoy reading your’s great! Cheers