What’s it like to become a grandparent? My guests on this episode are Jo Middleton – who recently became a grandmother – and Tanya Barrow aka T – who will shortly become a grandmother. Both women have spent the last 20 or so years being a mum, and the last ten years blogging about motherhood. Tanya runs the award-winning blog Mummy Barrow and Jo runs the award-winning blog Slummy Single Mummy.
I chat to them both about what it’s like to have that big shift in identity – mother to grandmother – and how they manage to be supportive, but not over-bearing. So much has changed since they last had babies, so does that present a problem when giving advice to their daughters?
We also talk about sharing the stories of our children (and grandchildren) online – what’s appropriate and fair to them?
You can check out Jo’s blog here, buy her book Playgroups & Prosecco here, and follow her on Twitter and Instagram. You can check out T’s blog here, and follow her on Twitter and Instagram.
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Music: Epidemic Sound
Artwork: Eleanor Bowmer