How long is ‘normal’ to breastfeed your baby? Of course, there is no such thing as ‘normal’. We all have totally different experiences and choices open to us, and many mums choose not to breastfeed at all or move onto bottles very quickly.
I breastfed my eldest for six months and my twins for ten months, and when I say that, no one bats an eye, but when my guest on the podcast this week, Gill Crawshaw, tells people that she’s still feeding her four-year-old daughter, they often think that’s strange.
Gill, who’s a mum of two, and a blogger at A Baby On Board, chats to me about why it’s not that strange and how it’s absolutely the right thing for her daughter. We talk about people’s reactions, how her four-year-old reacts when people ask her about it, and why Gill decided that stopping breastfeeding before her daughter started school recently would be the worst idea ever.
You can check out Gill’s brilliant blog and follow her on Instagram. You can also find details of the NCT breastfeeding helpline that Gill mentions here.
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Music: Epidemic Sound
Artwork: Eleanor Bowmer