Oh Christmas Tree! Oh Christmas Tree! How Lovely Are Your Branches…

John Lewis Christmas Tree

Something strange happens every year, late November. I turn into a bit of a Christmas grump. Before I go any further, let me explain that I love Christmas. Like properly love it. I think having my birthday on Christmas Day makes me love Christmas a bit more than anyone else because it’s a double special day for me (and I get to command more attention from people – yay!)

But in late November, I get all ragey over people putting up their Christmas trees ridiculously early (I wrote about it last year if you want to read it) and exchange eye-roll-type tweets with likeminded sensible people who wait until December to adorn their home with Christmas decorations.

The thing is, I’ve realised in the last week or so, that it actually doesn’t matter when people put up their Christmas tree. If they want to do it in July, then what harm does it do? In fact, if they want to have a full-on Christmas dinner every day of the year, then let them. After all, Christmas is about joy and acceptance – oh and horrible King Herod trying to kill Baby Jesus, but that’s a whole other story.

This year, we’ve put up our Christmas tree a little earlier than usual – we were sent this gorgeous 7ft John Lewis Argyle Green Fir Christmas Tree and were allowed to choose some decorations. Which was fantastic as we’ve had our artificial tree for over ten years and got it for about £11 because it didn’t have a box. So we were due a lovely new tree – and this one is a belter. Easy to erect, it cleverly has ‘cheaper looking’ plastic branches near the ‘trunk’ and then very realistic looking  pine needles on the branches that are visible.

Over the years, we have done the all-white Christmas look – white lights, white and silver baubles, and more recently, we were doing the Scandi handmade look with felt robins and knitted Christmas puddings and trees. But this year, I wanted to go colourful, bold and bright.

John Lewis decorations

So we chose some fab colourful LED lights for the tree and a selection of bright decorations, including a kick-ass tree topper with (wait for it) pom poms on it. For real. And along with bright decorations we already had (bought in the January sale, I imagine), we’ve created a colourful tree.



We stuck on the Michael Bublé Christmas album and along with the four-year-old, we got decorating, She was very excited and ALL she wanted to do was put the pom pom topper on the tree, but we had to convince her that she had to wait until we had decorated the whole tree and do that last. True to form, she put all of the decorations on around four branches, all in one big clump near the bottom of the tree (and she didn’t even notice the next morning that we had totally redecorated the tree after she’d gone to bed…)




What do you think of our tree and decorations? I think the tree looks pretty real! (and we even have a pine tree scented diffuser so that any guests will get a Christmas tree whiff as they arrive…)

Massive thanks to John Lewis for spreading Christmas cheer all the way to the Perry home!



  1. December 6, 2014 / 2:11 pm

    That tree topper is amazing!

    • Alison Perry
      December 7, 2014 / 8:11 am

      I love it! Your real tree looks ace too.

  2. Rebecca phillips
    December 6, 2014 / 2:13 pm

    I think it looks lovely 🙂

    • Alison Perry
      December 7, 2014 / 8:10 am

      Thank you 🙂

  3. December 6, 2014 / 6:18 pm

    Love the bright colours, really different, especially the star on top. The furry baubles look positively stroke-able!

    • Alison Perry
      December 7, 2014 / 8:10 am

      They really are strokeable!

  4. December 8, 2014 / 10:05 pm

    LOVE that pom pom tree topper! We’ve gone a little handmade this year with more children’s crafts adorning our family tree this year, but I do still like my colourful, sparkly baubles.

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