JOMO: The Joy Of Missing Out


Do you know what I love? I love my sofa and Netflix. I love working from bed with a cuppa. I love having a glass of wine and then an early night.

I’m all for having a night out with friends – sharing a few cocktails and catching up on each other’s lives – but sometimes saying “No” to that night out invitation feels GOOD. I’m all about balance these days, and balancing off the fun socialising with the quieter moments at home is important.

I had no idea that this has a name, until I spotted a few people share this image on Instagram last week…

JOMO: the joy of missing out

So if our 20s are all about FOMO (the fear of missing out) then our 30s are surely about JOMO. And doesn’t it feel nice?

FOMO sees us saying yes to every night out invitation – imagine if we said no and then it ended up being that EPIC night out that people talk about for years afterwards. “Do you remember when we danced at that bar until 3am and then carried on at my flat and ended up playing strip poker at 6am?” No, because I wasn’t there. “Oh.”

JOMO sees us saying no to night out invitations because actually our sofa is so bloody comfy, and we’d only have to wear clothes that aren’t our PJs if we went out, and mmmm we have that bottle of nice wine in the fridge.

FOMO means we go out when when we’re knackered – third night out on the trot? No problem. I’ll just catch up on sleep at the weekend.

JOMO means catching up on the fun at the weekend. By which time, we’ll have had all the sleep we need, thank you very much.

FOMO means if we really can’t get to something that all our friends are at, we sit on Facebook and Twitter seething with envy that we’re not there.

JOMO means preferring to follow an event on social media because, well, if we were there, we’d only have to speak to people, wouldn’t we? That’s just so much effort.

JOMO, I think I love you.


Image: DTTSP/Instagram



  1. Jo Morrell
    January 29, 2015 / 10:35 pm

    I love you too… 🙂

  2. January 29, 2015 / 10:44 pm

    I am 100% with you on the JOMO loving! Call me ‘old before my time’ if you like, but staying in is so the new going out 😉

  3. January 30, 2015 / 8:17 am

    Gosh this is so, so, so true! I love my quiet life these days!

  4. January 30, 2015 / 1:17 pm

    Haha! What is it when you reach your 40s (next year for me) cbomo (can’t be bothered of missing out)?!

  5. January 30, 2015 / 2:49 pm

    Can I let you in on a secret? I recently said no to a night out because I knew the kids were going out the next day with family…and I didn’t want to ruin a WHOLE DAY TO MYSELF with a hangover. JOMO!

  6. February 1, 2015 / 5:40 pm

    I’m all about the JOMO at the moment. With a 16 week old baby the thought of having to leave my comfy sofa and converse actual words with people after 9pm makes me feel knackered. Imagine how exhausted I’d be if I actually went on that night out?!

  7. February 1, 2015 / 8:04 pm

    I am totally a JOMO!! Right now, I’m sat on my bed in my pjs reading my favourite blogs. Life is pretty good right now.

    Although totally up for some cocktails one night when the joy runs thin xx

  8. February 5, 2015 / 7:58 pm

    Alison I love JOMO! What a great saying and your post is so true. Staying in is great. I have shared it on my little loves post tomorrow to recommend a good read. 🙂 Love the way you write babes.

  9. jody
    February 11, 2015 / 10:42 am

    Oh I soooo could have written this. So true x

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