I need to man up and book a family holiday

Do you have a career ‘Plan B’? Mine is being a wedding and honeymoon planner. I’m scarily good at organising and researching stuff and I have a love for holidays and hotels that borders on a slight obsession.

Back in 2010, when I was six months pregnant, I went on a ‘babymoon’ to my all time favourite hotel, Babington House in Somerset and I’ve been feeding off those memories ever since. The beautiful grounds, the amazing Cowshed spa, the walled garden, the cosy bar area (and yummy hot chocolate)… I could go on, but I might cry at the hideous reality that I might never go back there.


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babington house babymoon, best spa hotel, swimwear

babington house babymoon, best spa hotel, swimwear

babington house babymoon, best spa hotel, swimwear


Holidays (and little jaunts away to a hotel) have unsurprisingly gone on the backburner since having our little one. I feel like I’ve so-far chickened out of booking a family holiday abroad – what if toddler has a meltdown on the plane? What if life is generally harder work because we don’t have all of her toys to hand? What if she gets bored because there are no local parks and soft play centres to visit? What if she doesn’t sleep in an unfamilar hotel room? Basically, I’m a massive wuss, aren’t I?

In reality, I’m pretty sure we would plan and prepare things to avoid holiday hell.
Whether it’s a trip to uber family resort Martinhal in Portugal or we play it safe and go to the Rosevine in Cornwall (looks like actual coastal family heaven), I need to man up and book a family holiday for 2013. Now I just need to worry about what swimwear to buy…

This post was sponsored by online swimwear store Swimwear365 but all views are my own – I totes recommend Babington and I really do need to man up and book a holiday.



  1. HonestMum
    November 17, 2012 / 9:15 am

    You look fab in your pics and so does Babington House!

    • notanothermummyblog
      November 17, 2012 / 1:44 pm

      Aw thank you. I look arguably better pregnant than I do now!

  2. November 17, 2012 / 9:16 pm

    Pregnancy suits you amazingly well. Babington House looks amazing – an afternoon of Scrabble and a hot chocolate, what more can you ask for? x

    • notanothermummyblog
      November 17, 2012 / 9:24 pm

      I know. Plus, I’d just had a facial and massage. Total bliss.

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