I always said I would never write a blog…

Me, drinking tea & blogging

Blogs are a bit self-indulgent, aren’t they?

Someone prattling on about themselves or about stuff they deem to be important.

And mummy blogs? Don’t get me started on them. Most of them are set up to be a venting process for sleepless nights, or to blag freebies and write reviews on them, right?

Plus! As a magazine journo, why would I write stuff and not be paid for it?

All very good points. Yet, here I am. Writing a blog.


What’s that all about?






  1. Kimbo
    June 10, 2011 / 8:29 pm

    Reese Witherspoon to play ‘you’ in the of your blog! X

  2. Kimbo
    June 10, 2011 / 8:30 pm

    Missing word… Movie!!

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