Exciting news! After a six month break, Not Another Mummy Podcast is back back back. I’ve really enjoyed taking a proper maternity leave after my twin girls were born in October, which has meant: not much blogging, no podcasting and pretty much devoting all of my tired brain cells to keeping two new small humans alive every day.
But thanks to Mr P taking some time off work to be at home, looking after our three girls, doing the school run and generally keeping our home running smoothly (unlike the chaos I used to have it in…) I’ve been able to get back to work, which means….. new podcast episodes!
I’m VERY excited to be back and I’ve been in the studio already, recording chats with some brilliant people. Yes, STUDIO. I’m trying a new thing where, rather than just rocking up to someone’s house with my microphone, I’ve got a studio and a producer, Imogen, working with me. How fancy!
And speaking of fancy, do you like my new podcast artwork? It’s been designed by the hugely talented Eleanor Bowmer – if you haven’t already checked out her prints and products then do so (apologies if you end up buying a lot.)
So, there will be a couple of episodes which I recorded last summer, when I was heavily pregnant (and reached a point where, in the heatwave and battling twin-pregnancy-tiredness) I had no energy to edit and release any podcast episodes and there will be some new chats – including interviews with #1 Sunday Times Bestselling author Philippa Perry, Instadad Simon Hooper aka Father of Daughters, awesome writer Sarah Gregory, author and food blogger extraordinaire Emily Leary and Instagram funny lady Rosie Ramsay.
So subscribe on iTunes or Spotify or Acast or wherever you usually listen to podcasts and from next week there will be a shiny new episode, every Tuesday.
Listen below for a taster and tell me WHO you’d like to hear as a guest and which topics you’d like to hear covered. I’m over on Instagram and Twitter so come chat there!
Chat to me on Instagram: @iamalisonperry or on Twitter: @iamalisonperry
Producer: Imogen Hart, Create Productions
Music: Epidemic Sound
Artwork: Eleanor Bowmer