…while reading magazines about blogging
Lilo wrestling
Cocktail drinking
More cocktail drinking
Interrupting shopping to take photos…
…Of our feet
Inflatable sofa-surfing
(NB this wasn’t as much fun as it looks – I have the bruises to prove that. Thanks to Victoria for filming it!)
Just a few sunset photos being taken
Fashion blogger shoots
More fashion blogger shoots
Evenings that look like THIS
More selfies
• Massive thanks to Mark Warner for taking me to Rhodes for four nights – I can’t stress enough what a fantastic time I had relaxing and having fun with 11 other bloggers and the Mark Warner team. More to come from me on the trip soon…
THE best time was had by all 🙂 Just some of the great photos taken x
Oh Alison, what amazing photos!!! I haven’t dared look through mine yet – especially karaoke night! x
It looks amazing!
HOWL!!!! What a ruddy laurf. Right now I cannot stop laughing at that lilo wrestling picture!!! Such an amazing time, & loving that groovy selfie shot 🙂 #goodtimes
Fab post and some fab pics! Such a great trip and that lilo photo…amazing!!
The lilo action STILL makes me laugh when I look at the photos.
Ah – gorgeous Levante! And there’s a Blogging MAGAZINE?! *leaves kids to make own breakfast & runs to shops
Yes! Apparently it’s tricky to find in the shops, but you can download it from Apple. £10 but worth it.
Just bloody fabulous Alison! You look like you all had an amazing time, and I am quite frankly super jealous that a) you got to go back to the amazing Levante, b) you got some child free time, and c) the fun times you looked like you had. Loved looking at your pics. X
I’m now going to re-read ALL of your Levante posts, now that I’ve been.
Well I can say in super jealous. A girly holiday with lie ins and cocktails sounds like heaven (although admit it you still felt guilty and missed your LO’s!)
I too didn’t know about the blogging mag so will be straight to the shops when I can skive off work today 🙂
Look forward to reading more about it x
I missed my family like MAD … but yep, still enjoyed the cocktails and beach!
I have loved keeping up with you all via Instagram while you’ve been away. It seems like you’ve had an amazing time and I’m trying super hard not to be jealous….! 😉 xxx
I want a go on that sofa!!
Honestly, Helen, you don’t!! It was fun to start with, and after five minutes of being bashed around, it wasn’t. I have a massive bruise on my arm to show for it! (But then, I’m a massive wuss)
I love your photo’s! A bit sad I didn’t get to hang with you guys a bit longer but we had such a fab time anyway!
Ahh we got to hang out a bit! And there’s always Blogfest… 🙂
This looks so much fun, you all look gorgeous and so amazing to get you time hanging out with your blogging besties in beautiful Rhodes, loved this post x
Oh I am so sorry to have missed all this. It looks like you all had an ace time
Looks like you had such a fab time lovely! I am very very jel – hope to see you at Tots or Mumsnet xxx
Looks absolutely amazing hun! love all the photos. I am so very jealous. Maybe someday I will get to do one these with all you amazing bloggers. hahaha One can hope. Looks like you had a trip of a lifetime for sure. What a beautiful place.
I was deeply jealous of all those photos doing the rounds on social media last week. Looks like you had an A-mazing time with a capital A! Great pics 🙂
Great photos, really shows what a great time everyone had.