My guest on this episode is Kreena Dhiman who has had four children using two surrogates. At the age of 33, she was diagnosed with breast cancer and told that the chemotherapy treatment she needed would affect her chances of having a baby. So Kreena started on a journey of IVF and surrogacy in order to become a mum.
With many bumps along the road – including nearly dying of heart failure and covid restrictions meaning she missed the birth of her sons – she is now the mum of a three year old daughter and one-year-old triplets.
It’s clear what a strong, determined person Kreena is and I’m grateful to her for sharing her experiences with me – and with you.
Follow her on Instagram and listen to her podcast The Intended Parent.
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You can buy my book OMG It’s Twins now.
Producer: Imogen Hart
Music: Epidemic Sound
Artwork: Eleanor Bowmer