Are you a scummy mummy? My guests, this week, on the podcast are! Helen Thorn and Ellie Gibson are the comedy double act The Scummy Mummies. Their sell out live show, top-rated podcast and book celebrate being less than perfect parents. They’re known for talking about how it’s OK to feed your kids fish fingers, rather than organic quinoa, how taking your little ones to swimming lessons can sometimes push you over the edge, and they won’t judge you if you’re drinking wine at 5pm, out of a mug.
On the podcast, we chat about the scummiest things they’ve ever done, swearing in front of our parents, how to keep kids happy during school holidays, and Helen admits to her secret yummy mummy past.
The Scummy Mummies are at the Edinburgh Fringe – buy tickets here– and they’re always doing live dates elsewhere so check those out too. You can buy their book, listen to their podcastand follow them on Instagram. I recommend you do all of those things!
Click play below to listen, or head over to Acast, Spotify or iTunes where you can rate, review and subscribe. The podcast is taking a short summer break now but it’ll be back soon. Thanks for listening!
Chat to me on Instagram: @iamalisonperryor on Twitter: @iamalisonperry
Music: Epidemic Sound
Artwork: Eleanor Bowmer