My Social Media Guide for the Aviva Community Fund

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You might not know this, but as well as writing magazine and online features, part of my freelance work each month is running social media accounts for different brands. Every day, I schedule tweets and Facebook posts and work on digital campaigns to help promote those brands to their followers (and would-be followers). As someone who always dreamed of being a magazine writer, it seems strange that a large part of what I do now is a type of marketing. I’m by no means a marketing expert but I’ve picked things up, both from working on the senior teams of More and Look magazines and also from running my blog. Plus, I’m a bit of a geek, so I was reading sites like Mashable and going to Social Media Week events back in 2010, just because it floated my boat.

When you’re working on something exciting, it’s natural to want to shout about it and get as many people as possible on board with it. So I was so happy to be asked to create a social media guide, and film a video, giving advice to local community groups and charities who are applying for the Aviva Community Fund.

These community groups have the chance of being awarded a lovely lump of cash, which will help them in many ways, and they need to get their supporters and social media followers to vote for them. Groups local to me, like The Baby Café in Chislehurst, Friends Of Biggin Hill who want to develop a Forest School, and the 2nd Swanley Scout Group who need a new roof for their hall.

Hopefully the guides from me will be helping all of the entrants to drum up support – and votes. You can watch my video and read my social media guide here.

If you’d like to get involved, head over to the Aviva Community Fund site and search for community groups that are close to you – you get 10 votes and you can either give them all to one group or distribute them around a few.

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Thanks to Aviva for working with Not Another Mummy Blog. To find out how I work with brands, see my Work With Me page.



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