I promise I won’t do ‘a Gwynnie’

Gurgle Awards 2011, Soho Hotel, Award-winning mummy blogSo, WOW. This blog has only been going since June, and it’s just been nominated and shortlisted as a finalist for a Gurgle Award in the ‘Best Mummy Blog Writer’ category. This news came as a huge surprise to me, because there are (a) so many mummy blogs out there (hence the name of this blog) and (b) so many that are more established and popular than this one.

The finalists were chosen by a panel comprised of Myleene Klass, Nifa McLaughlin
(editor of gurgle.com and associate editor of Gurgle magazine), Noella Dixon (PR Manager for Mothercare and Early Learning Centre) and Scarlett Brady (editor of Gurgle magazine) so just to be shortlisted by them is totally ace.

The winner will be whoever gets the highest number of votes, so if you enjoy reading Not another mummy blog, then do feel free to vote! The awards ceremony will be presented by Myleene Klass on September 8th at the lush Soho Hotel.

Myleene love, if I win, I promise not to do a Gwynnie. Actually, perhaps bring the tissues just in case…


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