The Family Friendly Features We’re Not Using On Our Kindle Fire HDX

Poor Mr P. Not only is he a blogging widow (his latest TV series he watches while I ignore him blog, of an evening, is The Shield) but for the last nine months, he has been the only member of our family without a tablet to play with.

He bought me an iPad mini for my birthday last December and the four-year-old has all but claimed our first generation iPad as her own (well, she may as well have it. It’s so old, many apps don’t even work on it anymore *shakes fist at Apple’s clever money making scheme*)

But Mr P was tablet-less. Sans tablet.

Which, I’m sure you can imagine, must have been hard for him. I mean, he only had his iPhone 5S, Apple TV and a MacBook Air to play with. Poor wee soul.

But brilliantly, we were recently given a Kindle Fire HDX and I thought it only fair that Mr P have it. And boy, is he like a kid with a new toy. Within minutes of unwrapping it, he had it set up and linked to his Amazon account, downloaded apps like Facebook and Twitter, and was setting up Amazon Prime Instant Video.

Kindle Fire HDX

What he hasn’t been doing is using any of the amazing family friendly features…

He hasn’t used the FreeTime feature which allows parents to curate content that their kids watch and control the areas of the Kindle that each family member can access.
He has watched the F1 on it.

He hasn’t used the feature which allows parents to have the Kindle shut off automatically at a certain time, so that when it’s kids’ bedtime or homework time, they can’t carry on using it.
He has played Fairway Solitaire on it.

He hasn’t allowed the four-year-old to watch many of the kids’ programmes on Amazon Prime Instant Video, including original shows like Annedroids, Tumble Leaf and Creative Galaxy.
He has surfed Buzzfeed on it.

He hasn’t allowed the four-year-old to watch Tangled, Peppa Pig and Toy Story, which are all available to stream on Amazon Prime Instant Video.
He has read the Hunger Games trilogy on it.

So while the four-year-old is not benefitting in any way from our lovely new toy, Mr P is happy. (And ssshh don’t tell him I sneakily watched a schmaltzy Miley Cyrus movie on it the other night.)




  1. September 30, 2014 / 6:41 am

    My husband loves The Shield – we have every single episode on DVD so if Mr P wants to borrow any, let me know!

    I hope you got about a hundred ‘good wife’ points for being so selfless and handing over the Kindle. I must admit that I find Kindles much more fiddly to use than other tablets.

    • Alison Perry
      September 30, 2014 / 4:23 pm

      Yes, I got points! (used them all up though, going to Rhodes for four nights, leaving Mr P in charge….)

  2. September 30, 2014 / 8:34 am

    The FreeTime feature sounds really good. I get a bit antsy about my daughter using my iPad in case she accidentally finds something online that she shouldn’t.

    • Alison Perry
      September 30, 2014 / 4:22 pm

      Yes! Me too. Which is why I’m so impressed with the Kindle features…

  3. September 30, 2014 / 9:55 am

    ooh thi sounds good I have a paperwhite but …..

    • Alison Perry
      September 30, 2014 / 4:22 pm

      Ooh is the Paperwhite good? I’ve often toyed with the idea of getting one…

  4. September 30, 2014 / 5:38 pm

    FreeTime sounds fab… we have a kindle fire that Baya won last year {!} and love it

  5. September 30, 2014 / 6:41 pm

    Haha I live the way you’ve written this, it sounds like your husband is definitely reaping the benefits of being a blogger widow with this new gadget. The turn off feature sounds great for parents x

  6. September 30, 2014 / 9:14 pm

    This is brilliant! Make sure he keeps it all to himself. The parental controls sound good though – we stopped E watching YouTube for various reasons but she still tries to sneak it on (and also convinced my mum that she was allowed to watch it!) x

  7. October 1, 2014 / 10:03 am

    You see this is why you have to make sure the blogging widow gets in on the action from time to time. Now that my mister has his new coffee making toy I’m golden though he does always have to inherit my old iphones when I upgrade 😉

  8. October 1, 2014 / 10:40 am

    The NLM was all over our new iPad when it arrived – and he’d be the same with a Kindle! He’s a sucker for a gadget. PS. Tell Mr P to watch Sons of Anarchy after he’s finished The Shield. We watched (gorged on) The Shield when F was a baby – all 7 series covered in two months – and loved it. Sons of Anarchy is equally addictive and it’s written by the same guy behind The Shield – lots of actors from The Shield have cameo roles in SOA too which is kind of funny. x

    • Alison Perry
      October 1, 2014 / 10:54 pm

      MR P is very excited to have a recommendation. He has cued up SOA for when he finished season 7 of The Shield! I said I might watch it with him but apparently I’m not allowed.

  9. October 3, 2014 / 9:35 am

    Oh wow he must be excited to finally have his own one and looks like he has been using it a lot 🙂 We are all sans tablets in our house, just never seems to be a good time to buy one as it seems better to invest in a god one like a kindle hdx
    Laura x

  10. October 4, 2014 / 2:34 pm

    the free time feature and the one where it shuts off at a certain time are such a good idea! Saves you worrying they might see something inappropriate and that they are only able to use it at certain times. Wilf wakes up really early and although we do let him watch cartoons in the morning I think he would wake even earlier if he knew where to find our tablet so for older kids knowing they have to be doing homework/getting more sleep thats such a great design feature! x

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