There’s something so good about the week between Christmas and New Year. After the madness of preparing for Christmas and the often-hectic nature of the day itself, having a stretch of time where things slow right down and there isn’t much to do, feels weirdly nice.
This year especially, I’ve really benefited from the familiarity of this week. It’s a week when we often stay indoors and when we do venture out, doing lots of family walks. So in many ways, it doesn’t feel too different to normal.
There’s also something rather comforting in the knowledge that – in a year that’s been tumultuous – we are all (in some ways) experiencing something similar again.
Whether it’s doing sales shopping (which has mostly online this year – honestly, that was the most civilised Next sale I’ve ever been to and I didn’t even leave my sofa!) or squeezing in one last wear of your Christmas jumper before it gets packed away for a year. Or debating when to take down the Christmas decs (are yours still up? We made a deal with our 10-year-old that we could take them down but leave the tree up for a few more days) and of course eating turkey curry or sandwiches until there’s no more turkey. Mmm turkey.
So let’s play Late December Bingo! First one to shout “Full House!” wins!